Total Results: 37
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manson, Steven M; Harvey, Francis; Krzyzanowski, Brittany; Manson, S M; Harvey, F; Krzyzanowski, B
2022. Three Scales of the Spatial University.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2022. Three Scales of the Spatial University.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Krzyzanowski, Brittany; Manson, Steven M.
2022. Twenty Years of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Safe Harbor Provision: Unsolved Challenges and Ways Forward.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2022. Twenty Years of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Safe Harbor Provision: Unsolved Challenges and Ways Forward.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Krzyzanowski, Brittany; Manson, Steven
2022. Regionalization with Self-Organizing Maps for Sharing Higher Resolution Protected Health Information.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2022. Regionalization with Self-Organizing Maps for Sharing Higher Resolution Protected Health Information.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Graff, Mariaelisa; Justice, Anne E.; Young, Kristin L.; Marouli, Eirini; Zhang, Xinruo; Fine, Rebecca S.; Lim, Elise; Buchanan, Victoria; Rand, Kristin; Feitosa, Mary F.; Wojczynski, Mary K.; Yanek, Lisa R.; Shao, Yaming; Rohde, Rebecca; Adeyemo, Adebowale A.; Aldrich, Melinda C.; Allison, Matthew A.; Ambrosone, Christine B.; Ambs, Stefan; Amos, Christopher; Arnett, Donna K.; Atwood, Larry; Bandera, Elisa V.; Bartz, Traci; Becker, Diane M.; Berndt, Sonja I.; Bernstein, Leslie; Bielak, Lawrence F.; Blot, William J.; Bottinger, Erwin P.; Bowden, Donald W.; Bradfield, Jonathan P.; Brody, Jennifer A.; Broeckel, Ulrich; Burke, Gregory; Cade, Brian E.; Cai, Qiuyin; Caporaso, Neil E.; Carlson, Chris; Carpten, John; Casey, Graham; Chanock, Stephen J.; Chen, Guanjie; Chen, Minhui; Chen, Yii Der Ida; Chen, Wei Min; Chesi, Alessandra; Chiang, Charleston; Chu, Lisa; Coetzee, Gerry A.; Conti, David V.; Cooper, Richard S.; Cushman, Mary; Demerath, Ellen W.; Deming, Sandra L.; Dimitrov, Latchezar; Ding, Jingzhong; Diver, W. Ryan; Duan, Qing; Evans, Michael; Falusi, Adeyinka G.; Faul, Jessica D.; Fornage, Myriam; Fox, Caroline; Freedman, Barry I.; Garcia, Melissa; Gillanders, Elizabeth M.; Goodman, Phyllis; Gottesman, Omri; Grant, Struan F.A.; Guo, Xiuqing; Hakonarson, Hakon; Haritunians, Talin; Harris, Tamara B.; Harris, Curtis C.; Henderson, Brian E.; Hennis, Anselm; Hernandez, Dena G.; Hirschhorn, Joel N.; McNeill, Lorna Haughton; Howard, Timothy D.; Howard, Barbara; Hsing, Ann W.; Hsu, Yu Han H.; Hu, Jennifer J.; Huff, Chad D.; Huo, Dezheng; Ingles, Sue A.; Irvin, Marguerite R.; John, Esther M.; Johnson, Karen C.; Jordan, Joanne M.; Kabagambe, Edmond K.; Kang, Sun J.; Kardia, Sharon L.; Keating, Brendan J.; Kittles, Rick A.; Klein, Eric A.; Kolb, Suzanne; Kolonel, Laurence N.; Kooperberg, Charles; Kuller, Lewis; Kutlar, Abdullah; Lange, Leslie A.; Langefeld, Carl D.; Le Marchand, Loic; Leonard, Hampton; Lettre, Guillaume; Levin, Albert M.; Li, Yun; Li, Jin; Liu, Yongmei; Liu, Youfang; Liu, Simin; Lohman, Kurt; Lotay, Vaneet; Lu, Yingchang; Maixner, William; Manson, Jo Ann E.; McKnight, Barbara; Meng, Yan; Monda, Keri L.; Monroe, Kris; Moore, Jason H.; Mosley, Thomas H.; Mudgal, Poorva; Murphy, Adam B.; Nadukuru, Rajiv; Nalls, Mike A.; Nathanson, Katherine L.; Nayak, Uma; N'Diaye, Amidou; Nemesure, Barbara; Neslund-Dudas, Christine; Neuhouser, Marian L.; Nyante, Sarah; Ochs-Balcom, Heather; Ogundiran, Temidayo O.; Ogunniyi, Adesola; Ojengbede, Oladosu; Okut, Hayrettin; Olopade, Olufunmilayo I.; Olshan, Andrew; Padhukasahasram, Badri; Palmer, Julie; Palmer, Cameron D.; Palmer, Nicholette D.; Papanicolaou, George; Patel, Sanjay R.; Pettaway, Curtis A.; Peyser, Patricia A.; Press, Michael F.; Rao, D. C.; Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J.; Redline, Susan; Reiner, Alex P.; Rhie, Suhn K.; Rodriguez-Gil, Jorge L.; Rotimi, Charles N.; Rotter, Jerome I.; Ruiz-Narvaez, Edward A.; Rybicki, Benjamin A.; Salako, Babatunde; Sale, Michele M.; Sanderson, Maureen; Schadt, Eric; Schreiner, Pamela J.; Schurmann, Claudia; Schwartz, Ann G.; Shriner, Daniel A.; Signorello, Lisa B.; Singleton, Andrew B.; Siscovick, David S.; Smith, Jennifer A.; Smith, Shad; Speliotes, Elizabeth K.; Spitz, Margaret; Stanford, Janet L.; Stevens, Victoria L.; Stram, Alex; Strom, Sara S.; Sucheston, Lara; Sun, Yan V.; Tajuddin, Salman M.; Taylor, Herman; Taylor, Kira; Tayo, Bamidele O.; Thun, Michael J.; Tucker, Margaret; Vaidya, Dhananjay; Van Den Berg, David J.; Vedantam, Sailaja; Vitolins, Mara Z.; Wang, Zhaoming; Ware, Erin B.; Wassertheil-Smoller, Sylvia; Weir, David R.; Wiencke, John K.; Williams, Scott M.; Williams, L. Keoki; Wilson, James G.; Witte, John S.; Wrensch, Margaret R.; Wu, Xifeng; Yao, Jie; Zakai, Neil; Zanetti, Krista; Zemel, Babette S.; Zhao, Wei; Zhao, Jing Hua; Zheng, Wei; Zhi, Degui; Zhou, Jie; Zhu, Xiaofeng; Ziegler, Regina G.; Zmuda, Joe; Zonderman, Alan B.; Psaty, Bruce M; Borecki, Ingrid B.; Cupples, L. Adrienne; Liu, Ching Ti; Haiman, Christopher A.; Loos, Ruth J.F.; Ng, Maggie C.Y.; North, Kari E.
2021. Discovery and fine-mapping of height loci via high-density imputation of GWASs in individuals of African ancestry.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2021. Discovery and fine-mapping of height loci via high-density imputation of GWASs in individuals of African ancestry.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Lissette, Chelsea; De Blois, Cervantes; Manson, Steven M
2021. Examining Well-being and Vulnerability in Data-Poor Nations: Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BY.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2021. Examining Well-being and Vulnerability in Data-Poor Nations: Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BY.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Zhu, Di; Ye, Xinyue; Manson, Steven M
2021. Revealing the spatial shifting pattern of COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2021. Revealing the spatial shifting pattern of COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Krzyzanowski, Brittany; Manson, Steven M; Eder, Milton Mickey; Kne, Len; Oldenburg, Niki; Peterson, Kevin; Hirsch, Alan T; Luepker, Russell V.; Duval, Sue
2019. Use of a Geographic Information System to create treatment groups for group-randomized community trials: The Minnesota Heart Health Program.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2019. Use of a Geographic Information System to create treatment groups for group-randomized community trials: The Minnesota Heart Health Program.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Runck, Bryan C.; Manson, Steven M; Shook, Eric; Gini, Maria; Jordan, Nicholas R
2019. Using word embeddings to generate data-driven human agent decision-making from natural language.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2019. Using word embeddings to generate data-driven human agent decision-making from natural language.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Haynes, David; Jokela, Alex; Manson, Steven M
2018. IPUMS-Terra: integrated big heterogeneous spatiotemporal data analysis system.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2018. IPUMS-Terra: integrated big heterogeneous spatiotemporal data analysis system.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manson, Steven M; Kernik, Melinda
2018. Human–Environment Interactions and Scalable Remote Sensing.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2018. Human–Environment Interactions and Scalable Remote Sensing.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
IROH TAM, P. Y.; Krzyzanowski, Brittany; Oakes, J Michael; Kne, Len; Manson, Steven M
2017. Spatial variation of pneumonia hospitalization risk in Twin Cities metro area, Minnesota.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2017. Spatial variation of pneumonia hospitalization risk in Twin Cities metro area, Minnesota.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kugler, Tracy A; Manson, Steven M; Donato, Joshua R
2017. Spatiotemporal aggregation for temporally extensive international microdata..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2017. Spatiotemporal aggregation for temporally extensive international microdata..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Haynes, David; Ray, Suprio; Manson, Steven M
2017. Terra Populus: Challenges and Opportunities with Heterogeneous Big Spatial Data.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2017. Terra Populus: Challenges and Opportunities with Heterogeneous Big Spatial Data.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manson, Steven M; Kugler, Tracy A; Haynes, David
2016. Deserts in the Deluge: TerraPopulus and Big Human-Environment Data..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2016. Deserts in the Deluge: TerraPopulus and Big Human-Environment Data..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
OSullivan, David; Evans, Tom; Manson, Steven M; Metcalf, Sara; Ligmann-Zielinska, Arika; Bone, Chris
2016. Strategic directions for agent-based modeling: avoiding the YAAWN syndrome.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2016. Strategic directions for agent-based modeling: avoiding the YAAWN syndrome.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Turner, Billie Lee; Geoghegan, Jackie; Lawrence, Deborah; Radel, Claudia; Schmook, Birgit; Vance, Colin; Manson, Steven M; Keys, E; Foster, D; Klepeis, P
2016. Land system science and the socialenvironmental system: the case of Southern Yucatn Peninsular Region (SYPR) project.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2016. Land system science and the socialenvironmental system: the case of Southern Yucatn Peninsular Region (SYPR) project.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manson, Steven M; Jordan, Nicholas R; Nelson, Kristen C; Brummel, Rachel F
2016. Modeling the effect of social networks on adoption of multifunctional agriculture.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2016. Modeling the effect of social networks on adoption of multifunctional agriculture.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Jordan, Nicholas R; Clower, KM; Manson, Steven M; Bonsal, Dudley B; Immich, Jennifer L
2015. Land use and land cover in critical source areas on small dairy farms in the eastern United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. Land use and land cover in critical source areas on small dairy farms in the eastern United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kugler, Tracy A; Van Riper Ma, David; Manson, Steven M; Haynes, David; Donato, Joshua R; Stinebaugh, Katie
2015. Terra Populus: Workflows for integrating and harmonizing geospatial population and environmental data.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. Terra Populus: Workflows for integrating and harmonizing geospatial population and environmental data.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 37