Total Results: 19
Ruggles, Steven; Rivera Drew, Julia A; Fitch, Catherine A; Hacker, J David; Helgertz, Jonas; Nelson, Matt A; Sobek, Matthew; Warren, John Robert; Ozder, Nesile; Drew, Julia A Rivera
2024. Working Papers The IPUMS Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel: Progress and Prospects The IPUMS Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel: Progress and Prospects.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2024. Working Papers The IPUMS Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel: Progress and Prospects The IPUMS Multigenerational Longitudinal Panel: Progress and Prospects.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Berry, Kaitlyn M.; Drew, Julia A.Rivera; Brady, Patrick J.; Widome, Rachel
2023. Impact of smoking cessation on household food security.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2023. Impact of smoking cessation on household food security.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Oelsner, Elizabeth C; Allen, Norrina Bai; Ali, Tauqeer; Anugu, Pramod; Andrews, Howard; Asaro, Alyssa; Balte, Pallavi P; Barr, R Graham; Bertoni, Alain G; Bon, Jessica; Boyle, Rebekah; Chang, Arunee A; Chen, Grace; Cole, Shelley A; Coresh, Josef; Cornell, Elaine; Correa, Adolfo; Couper, David; Cushman, Mary; Demmer, Ryan T.; Elkind, Mitchell S V; Folsom, Aaron R; Fretts, Amanda M; Gabriel, Kelley Pettee; Gallo, Linda C; Gutierrez, Jose; Han, MeiLan K; Henderson, Joel M; Howard, Virginia J.; Isasi, Carmen R; Jacobs, David; Judd, Suzanne E; Mukaz, Debora Kamin; Kanaya, Alka M; Kandula, Namratha R; Kaplan, Robert; Krishnaswamy, Akshaya; Kinney, Gregory L; Kucharska-Newton, Anna; Lee, Joyce S; Lewis, Cora E; Levinson, Deborah; Levitan, Emily B; Levy, Bruce; Make, Barry; Malloy, Kimberly; Manly, Jennifer; Meyer, Katie A; Min, Yuan-I; Moll, Matthew; Moore, Wendy C; Mauger, Dave; Ortega, Victor E; Palta, Priya; Parker, Monica M; Phipatanakul, Wanda; Post, Wendy; Psaty, Bruce M; Regan, Elizabeth A; Ring, Kimberly; Roger, Véronique L; Rotter, Jerome I.; Rundek, Tatjana; Sacco, Ralph L; Schembri, Michael; Schwartz, David A; Seshadri, Sudha; Shikany, James M.; Sims, Mario; Hinckley Stukovsky, Karen D; Talavera, Gregory A; Tracy, Russell P; Umans, Jason G; Vasan, Ramachandran S; Watson, Karol; Wenzel, Sally E; Winters, Karen; Woodruff, Prescott G; Xanthakis, Vanessa; Zhang, Ying; Zhang, Yiyi; C4R Investigators,
2021. Collaborative Cohort of Cohorts for COVID-19 Research (C4R) Study: Study Design..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2021. Collaborative Cohort of Cohorts for COVID-19 Research (C4R) Study: Study Design..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Drew, Julia A Rivera; Xu, Dongjuan
2020. Trends in Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries Among Older Americans, 2004–2017.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2020. Trends in Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries Among Older Americans, 2004–2017.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan; Shi, Yu; Andrew, Simon
2020. Exploring the Link between Fiscal Arrangements and the Quality of Public Services: Evidence from Major U.S. Urban Park Systems.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2020. Exploring the Link between Fiscal Arrangements and the Quality of Public Services: Evidence from Major U.S. Urban Park Systems.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
McLemore, Monica R.; Asiodu, Ifeyinwa; Crear-Perry, Joia; Davis, Dana Ain; Drew, Michelle; Hardeman, Rachel; Mendez, Dara D.; Roberts, Lynn; Scott, Karen A.
2019. Race, Research, and Womenʼs Health.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2019. Race, Research, and Womenʼs Health.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Xu, Dongjuan; Drew, Julia A Rivera
2017. What Doesn’t Kill You Doesn’t Make You Stronger: The Long-Term Consequences of Nonfatal Injury for Older Adults.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2017. What Doesn’t Kill You Doesn’t Make You Stronger: The Long-Term Consequences of Nonfatal Injury for Older Adults.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Xu, Dongjuan; Drew, Julia A Rivera
2016. Cause, nature and care-seeking behaviour for injuries among community-dwelling older adults, USA, 20042013.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2016. Cause, nature and care-seeking behaviour for injuries among community-dwelling older adults, USA, 20042013.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Blewett, Lynn A; Dahlen, Heather M.; Spencer, Donna L.; Drew, Julia A Rivera; Lukanen, Elizabeth
2016. Changes to the Design of the National Health Interview Survey to Support Enhanced Monitoring of Health Reform Impacts at the State Level.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2016. Changes to the Design of the National Health Interview Survey to Support Enhanced Monitoring of Health Reform Impacts at the State Level.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Xu, Dongjuan; Drew, Julia A Rivera
2014. Causes, Injury Types, Injury Places, Hospitalizations and Days Lost from Work Due to Injury among Older Adults, United States 1997-2013.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Causes, Injury Types, Injury Places, Hospitalizations and Days Lost from Work Due to Injury among Older Adults, United States 1997-2013.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Lindsey, Merry L.; Lange, Richard A.; Parsons, Helen M.; Andrews, Thomas; Aune, Gregory J.
2014. The tell-tale heart: molecular and cellular responses to childhood anthracycline exposure.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. The tell-tale heart: molecular and cellular responses to childhood anthracycline exposure.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Drew, Julia A Rivera; Henning-Smith, Carrie
2014. Within-occupation and industry sex, race, and educational differences in exposures to workplace hazards.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Within-occupation and industry sex, race, and educational differences in exposures to workplace hazards.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Warren, John Robert; Hoffman, Emily; Andrew, Megan
2014. Patterns and Trends in Grade Retention Rates in the United States, 1995-2010..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Patterns and Trends in Grade Retention Rates in the United States, 1995-2010..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Drew, Julia A Rivera; Flood, Sarah M; Warren, John Robert
2014. Making Full Use of the Longitudinal Design of the Current Population Survey: Methods for Linking Records Across 16 Months..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Making Full Use of the Longitudinal Design of the Current Population Survey: Methods for Linking Records Across 16 Months..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Drew, Julia A Rivera
2013. Documenting and Explaining Trends in Youth Disability, 1998-2011.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. Documenting and Explaining Trends in Youth Disability, 1998-2011.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Drew, Julia A Rivera
2013. Hysterectomy and Disability Among U.S. Women.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. Hysterectomy and Disability Among U.S. Women.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Drew, Julia A Rivera; Arbeit, Caren A
2013. Describing Cohort Differences in College Attendance and Employment among Young Adults with Disabilities.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. Describing Cohort Differences in College Attendance and Employment among Young Adults with Disabilities.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Drew, Julia A Rivera
2011. Disability, Labor Force Participation, and Economic Survival.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. Disability, Labor Force Participation, and Economic Survival.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 19