Total Results: 121
Phelan, Sean M.; Burgess, Diana J.; Puhl, Rebecca M; Dyrbye, Liselotte N.; Dovidio, John F.; Yeazel, Mark W.; Ridgeway, Jennifer L.; Nelson, David B.; Perry, Sylvia P.; Przedworski, Julia M; Burke, Sara E.; Hardeman, Rachel; van Ryn, Michelle
2015. The Adverse Effect of Weight Stigma on the Well-Being of Medical Students with Overweight or Obesity: Findings from a National Survey.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. The Adverse Effect of Weight Stigma on the Well-Being of Medical Students with Overweight or Obesity: Findings from a National Survey.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelan, Sean M.; Burgess, Diana J.; Burke, Sara E.; Przedworski, Julia M; Dovidio, John F.; Hardeman, Rachel; Morris, Megan A; van Ryn, Michelle
2015. Beliefs about the causes of obesity in a national sample of 4th year medical students.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. Beliefs about the causes of obesity in a national sample of 4th year medical students.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
van Ryn, Michelle; Hardeman, Rachel; Phelan, Sean M.; PhD, Diana J. Burgess; Dovidio, John F.; Herrin, Jeph; Burke, Sara E.; Nelson, David B.; Perry, Sylvia P.; Yeazel, Mark W.; Przedworski, Julia M
2015. Medical School Experiences Associated with Change in Implicit Racial Bias Among 3547 Students: A Medical Student CHANGES Study Report.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. Medical School Experiences Associated with Change in Implicit Racial Bias Among 3547 Students: A Medical Student CHANGES Study Report.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Przedworski, Julia M; Dovidio, John F.; Hardeman, Rachel; Phelan, Sean M.; Burke, Sara E.; Ruben, Mollie A.; Perry, Sylvia P.; Burgess, Diana J.; Nelson, David B.; Yeazel, Mark W.; Knudsen, John M.; van Ryn, Michelle
2015. A Comparison of the Mental Health and Well-Being of Sexual Minority and Heterosexual First-Year Medical Students.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. A Comparison of the Mental Health and Well-Being of Sexual Minority and Heterosexual First-Year Medical Students.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Hardeman, Rachel; Burgess, Diana J.; Phelan, Sean M.; Yeazel, Mark W.; Nelson, David B.; van Ryn, Michelle
2015. Medical student socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes toward patient centered care: Do race, socioeconomic status and gender matter? A report from the Medical Student CHANGES study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. Medical student socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes toward patient centered care: Do race, socioeconomic status and gender matter? A report from the Medical Student CHANGES study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelan, Sean M.; Hardeman, Rachel
2015. Health professionals' pain management decisions are influenced by their role (nurse or physician) and by patient gender, age and ethnicity.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. Health professionals' pain management decisions are influenced by their role (nurse or physician) and by patient gender, age and ethnicity.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Garcia, Carolyn M; Zhang, Lei; Holt, Katie; Hardeman, Rachel; Peterson, Barbara
2014. Latina Adolescent Sleep and Mood: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Pilot Study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Latina Adolescent Sleep and Mood: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Pilot Study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Garcia, Carolyn M; Hardeman, Rachel; Kwon, Gyu; Lando-King, Elizabeth A; Zhang, Lei; Genis, Therese; Brady, Sonya S; Kinder, Elizabeth
2014. Teenagers and Texting: Use of a Youth Ecological Momentary Assessment System in Trajectory Health Research With Latina Adolescents.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Teenagers and Texting: Use of a Youth Ecological Momentary Assessment System in Trajectory Health Research With Latina Adolescents.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
van Ryn, Michelle; Hardeman, Rachel; Phelan, Sean M.; Burke, Sara E.; Przedworski, Julia M; Allen, Michele L.; Burgess, Diana J.; Ridgeway, Jennifer L.; White, Richard O.; Dovidio, John F.
2014. Psychosocial predictors of attitudes toward physician empathy in clinical encounters among 4732 1st year medical students: A report from the CHANGES study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Psychosocial predictors of attitudes toward physician empathy in clinical encounters among 4732 1st year medical students: A report from the CHANGES study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelan, Sean M.; Dovidio, John F.; Puhl, Rebecca M; Burgess, Diana J.; Nelson, David B.; Yeazel, Mark W.; Hardeman, Rachel; Perry, Sylvia P.; van Ryn, Michelle
2014. Implicit and explicit weight bias in a national sample of 4,732 medical students: The medical student CHANGES study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. Implicit and explicit weight bias in a national sample of 4,732 medical students: The medical student CHANGES study.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Henning-Smith, Carrie; Shippee, Tetyana; McAlpine, Donna D; Hardeman, Rachel; Farah, Farhiya
2013. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Attanasio, Laura B; Hardeman, Rachel; O'Brien, Michelle
2013. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Hardeman, Rachel; Attanasio, Laura B; Blauer-Peterson, Cori; O'Brien, Michelle; O’Brien, Michelle
2013. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Hardeman, Rachel; Garcia, Carolyn M; Pagán, José A.
2012. Where Would You Rather Live If You Were Insured? Assessing Community Uninsurance Spillover Effects on the Insured.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2012. Where Would You Rather Live If You Were Insured? Assessing Community Uninsurance Spillover Effects on the Insured.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Garcia, Carolyn M; Pagán, José A.; Hardeman, Rachel
2010. Context matters: Where would you be the least worse off in the US if you were uninsured?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2010. Context matters: Where would you be the least worse off in the US if you were uninsured?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Hardeman, Rachel; Burgess, Diana J.; Murphy, Katy; Satin, David J.; Nielsen, Julie; Potter, Teddie M.; Karbeah, J’Mag; Zulu-Gillespie, Makeda; Apolinario-Wilcoxon, Antonia; Reif, Christopher; Cunningham, Brooke A.
1991. Ethnicity & Disease.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
1991. Ethnicity & Disease.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Hardeman, Rachel R; Homan, Patricia A; Chantarat, Tongtan; Davis, Brigette A; Brown, Tyson H
Improving The Measurement Of Structural Racism To Achieve Antiracist Health Policy.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Improving The Measurement Of Structural Racism To Achieve Antiracist Health Policy.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Hardeman, Rachel R; Kheyfets, Anna; Bryant Mantha, Allison; Cornell, Andria; Crear-Perry, Joia; Graves, Cornelia; Grobman, William; James-Conterelli, Sascha; Jones, Camara; Lipscomb, Breana; Ortique, Carla; Stuebe, Alison; Welsh, Kaprice; Howell, Elizabeth A
Correction to: Developing Tools to Report Racism in Maternal Health for the CDC Maternal Mortality Review Information Application (MMRIA): Findings from the MMRIA Racism & Discrimination Working Group.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Correction to: Developing Tools to Report Racism in Maternal Health for the CDC Maternal Mortality Review Information Application (MMRIA): Findings from the MMRIA Racism & Discrimination Working Group.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Hardeman, Rachel
Abstract Racial Disparities and Switching Provider during Pregnancy.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Abstract Racial Disparities and Switching Provider during Pregnancy.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Chantarat, Tongtan; Enns, Eva A; Hardeman, Rachel
Diversity Policies As Health Policies: A Case Study of Healthcare Workers and Hypertension.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Diversity Policies As Health Policies: A Case Study of Healthcare Workers and Hypertension.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 121