MPC Member Publications

This database contains a listing of population studies publications written by MPC Members. Anyone can add a publication by an MPC student, faculty, or staff member to this database; new citations will be reviewed and approved by MPC administrators.

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Author: manson
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Total Results: 37
OSullivan, David; Manson, Steven M
2015. Do Physicists Have Geography Envy? And What Can Geographers Learn from It?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Haynes, David; Ray, Suprio; Manson, Steven M; Soni, Ankit
2015. High Performance Analysis of Big Spatial Data.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Sun, Shipeng; Manson, Steven M
2015. Simple Agents, Complex Emergent City: Agent-Based Modeling of Intraurban Migration.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Nelson, Kristen C; Brummel, Rachel F; Jordan, Nicholas R; Manson, Steven M
2014. Social networks in complex human and natural systems: the case of rotational grazing, weak ties, and eastern US dairy landscapes.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manson, Steven M; Shannon, Jerry; Eria, Sami; Kne, Len; Dyke, Kevin R; Nelson, Sara; Batra, Lalit; Bonsal, Dudley B; Kernik, Melinda; Immich, Jennifer L
2014. Resource needs and pedagogical value of web mapping for spatial thinking.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Berland, Adam; Manson, Steven M
2013. Patterns in residential urban forest structure along a synthetic urbanization gradient.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Crawford, Christopher J; Manson, Steven M; Bauer, Marvin E; Hall, Dorothy K
2013. Multitemporal snow cover mapping in mountainous terrain for Landsat climate data record development.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Fitch, Catherine A; Manson, Steven M; Sobek, Matthew; Ruggles, Steven J; Foley, Johnathan
2012. Terra Populus: A Global Population/Environment Data Network.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kirk, Ryan W; Bolstad, Paul V; Manson, Steven M
2012. Spatio-temporal trend analysis of long-term development patterns (19002030) in a Southern Appalachian County.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Sun, Shipeng; Manson, Steven M
2012. Intraurban migration, neighborhoods, and city structure.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Perez, MV; Wang, PJ; Larson, JC; Virnig, Beth A; Cochrane, B; Curb, JD; Klein, Laura Cousino; Manson, JE; Martin, LW; Robinson, Jessica S; Wassertheil-Smoller, Sylvia; Stefanick, Marcia L
2012. Effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy on incident atrial fibrillation: the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled trials.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manson, Steven M; Kne, Len; Dyke, Kevin R; Shannon, Jerry; Eria, Sami
2012. Using eye-tracking and mouse metrics to test usability of web mapping navigation.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Berland, Adam; Shuman, Bryan; Manson, Steven M
2011. Simulated importance of dispersal, disturbance, and landscape history in long-term ecosystem change in the Big Woods of Minnesota.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Bonsal, Dudley B; Manson, Steven M
2011. No title available..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
McMaster, Susanna; Edsall, Rob; Manson, Steven M
2011. Geospatial research, education and outreach efforts at the University of Minnesota.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Sun, Shipeng; Manson, Steven M
2011. Social network analysis of the academic GIScience community.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Ghosh, Debarchana; Manson, Steven M
2008. Robust Principal Component Analysis and Geographically Weighted Regression: Urbanization in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area of Minnesota.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 37