MPC Member Publications

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Author: Cheng
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Total Results: 34
Cheng, Yuan; Shi, Yu; Andrew, Simon
2020. Exploring the Link between Fiscal Arrangements and the Quality of Public Services: Evidence from Major U.S. Urban Park Systems.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan Daniel; Yang, Lang (Kate)
2019. Providing Public Services Without Relying Heavily on Government Funding: How Do Nonprofits Respond to Government Budget Cuts?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan Daniel
2019. Governing Government-Nonprofit Partnerships: Linking Governance Mechanisms to Collaboration Stages.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan Daniel
2019. Nonprofit Spending and Government Provision of Public Services: Testing Theories of Government-Nonprofit Relationships.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Gielen, Marij; Hageman, Geja J.; Antoniou, Evangelia E.; Nordfjall, Katarina; Mangino, Massimo; Balasubramanyam, Muthuswamy; De Meyer, Tim; Hendricks, Audrey E.; Giltay, Erik J.; Hunt, Steven C.; Nettleton, Jennifer A.; Salpea, Klelia D.; Diaz, Vanessa A.; Farzaneh-Far, Ramin; Atzmon, Gil; Harris, Sarah E.; Hou, Lifang; Gilley, David; Hovatta, Iiris; Kark, Jeremy D.; Nassar, Hisham; Kurz, David J.; Mather, Karen A.; Willeit, Peter; Zheng, Yun Ling; Pavanello, Sofia; Demerath, Ellen W.; Rode, Line; Bunout, Daniel; Steptoe, Andrew; Boardman, Lisa A.; Marti, Amelia; Needham, Belinda; Zheng, Wei; Ramsey-Goldman, Rosalind; Pellatt, Andrew J.; Kaprio, Jaakko; Hofmann, Jonathan N.; Gieger, Christian; Paolisso, Giuseppe; Hjelmborg, Jacob B.H.; Mirabello, Lisa; Seeman, Teresa E; Wong, Jason; Van Der Harst, Pim; Broer, Linda; Kronenberg, Florian; Kollerits, Barbara; Strandberg, Timo; Eisenberg, Daniel; Duggan, Catherine; Verhoeven, Josine E.; Schaakxs, Roxanne; Zannolli, Raffaela; Dos Reis, Rosana M.R.; Charchar, Fadi J.; Tomaszewski, Maciej; Mons, Ute; Demuth, Ilja; Molli, Andrea Elena Iglesias; Cheng, Guo; Krasnienkov, Dmytro; D'Antono, Bianca; Kasielski, Marek; McDonnell, Barry J.; Ebstein, Richard Paul; Sundquist, Kristina; Pare, Guillaume; Chong, Michael; Zeegers, Maurice P.
2018. Body mass index is negatively associated with telomere length: A collaborative cross-sectional meta-analysis of 87 observational studies.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Gazley, Beth; Cheng, Yuan Daniel; Lafontant, Chantalle
2018. Charitable Support for U.S. National and State Parks Through the Lens of Coproduction and Government Failure Theories.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Wang, Yixuan; Cheng, Cheng; Bian, Yanjie
2018. More than double jeopardy: An intersectional analysis of persistent income disadvantages of Chinese female migrant workers.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Yang, Shuo; Fan, Yingling; Deng, Wei; Cheng, Long
2017. Do built environment effects on travel behavior differ between household members? A case study of Nanjing, China.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng Shuyi Deng, Yuan; Kevin Kearns, by; Jiun Wang, Wen
Retrenchment Strategies Forthcoming at The Encyclopedia of Nonprofit Management, Leadership and Governance edited.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan; Sandfort, Jodi
Administrative Reform to Overcome Institutional Racism: Exploring Government's Trust Building Tactics to Renew Relationships with Community-based Organizations.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan; Ho Choi, Jung
Dealing with Endogeneity to Understand the Societal Impact of the Third Sector: Why Should We Care and What Can We Do About It?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Si, Yafei; Xue, Hao; Liao, Huipeng; Xie, Yewei; Xu, Dong; Smith, Kumi; Yip, Winnie; Cheng, Weibin; Tian, Junzhang; Tang, Weiming; Sylvia, Sean; Contributions Yafei Si, Author
The quality of telemedicine consultations for sexually transmitted infections in China.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan; Pandey, Sanjay K; Hall, Jeremy
Introduction to the Virtual Issue: Advancing Public Policy Research through the Lens of Public Administration.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Cheng, Yuan; Wang, Xiaoyun; Zhang, Xueshan
System Shock: Nonlocal Grassroots Response to COVID-19 at Ground Zero, Wuhan.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 34