MPC Member Publications

This database contains a listing of population studies publications written by MPC Members. Anyone can add a publication by an MPC student, faculty, or staff member to this database; new citations will be reviewed and approved by MPC administrators.

Full Citation

Title: When Social Support Fits into your Luggage: Online Support Seeking and its Effects on the Traditional Study Abroad Experience

Citation Type: Journal Article

Publication Year: 2011

Abstract: F r o n t i e r s : T h e I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y J o u r n a l o f S t u d y A b r o a d


User Submitted?: No

Authors: Mikal, Jude Patrick

Periodical (Full): F r o n t i e r s : T h e I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y J o u r n a l o f S t u d y A b r o a d

Issue: November

Volume: 21

Pages: 17-41
