Full Citation
Title: Community Diarrhea Incidence Before and After Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in Nicaragua
Citation Type: Journal Article
Publication Year: 2013
ISSN: 0002-9637
DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.13-0026
Abstract: Abstract. We estimated the incidence of watery diarrhea in the community before and after introduction of the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in León, Nicaragua. A random sample of households was selected before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction. All children < 5 years of age in selected households were eligible for inclusion. Children were followed every 2 weeks for watery diarrhea episodes. The incidence rate was estimated as numbers of episodes per 100 child-years of exposure time. A mixed effects Poisson regression model was fit to compare incidence rates in the pre-vaccine and vaccine periods. The pre-vaccine cohort (N = 726) experienced 36 episodes per 100 child-years, and the vaccine cohort (N = 826) experienced 25 episodes per 100 child-years. The adjusted incidence rate ratio was 0.60 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.40, 0.91) during the vaccine period versus the pre-vaccine period, indicating a lower incidence of watery diarrhea in the community during the vaccine period.
Url: http://www.ajtmh.org/content/journals/10.4269/ajtmh.13-0026
User Submitted?: No
Authors: Zambrana, Luis Enrique; Espinoza, Félix; Morgan, Douglas R.; Cáceres, Mercedes; Weber, David J.; Peña, Rodolfo; Hudgens, Michael G.; Källeståll, Carina; Becker-Dreps, Sylvia; Liu, Lan; Paniagua, Margarita; Meléndez, Marlon
Periodical (Full): The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Issue: 2
Volume: 89
Pages: 246-250