MPC Member Publications

This database contains a listing of population studies publications written by MPC Members. Anyone can add a publication by an MPC student, faculty, or staff member to this database; new citations will be reviewed and approved by MPC administrators.

Full Citation

Title: Native Americans and Monetary Sanctions

Citation Type: Journal Article

Publication Year: 2022

ISSN: 2377-8253

DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2022.8.2.07

Abstract: Native Americans are disproportionately affected by the criminal legal system, yet comparative analyses of criminal legal outcomes and experiences among racial and ethnic groups rarely center the experiences of Native Americans. This multimethod study examines how monetary sanctions are affecting Native American populations in Minnesota. Drawing on administrative criminal court data and qualitative fieldwork, we find that Native Americans are subject to among the largest overall legal financial obligations (LFOs) in criminal court and carry the largest average LFO debt loads relative to other racial and ethnic groups in Minnesota, particularly when proximal to tribal lands. Moreover, monetary sanctions exacerbate existing poverty and spatial isolation in rural areas, compounding and further entrenching historical, systemic disadvantages that Native communities already face. We contextualize these findings within the broader history of U.S. settler colonialism, resource extraction, and dispossession.



User Submitted?: No

Authors: Stewart, Robert; Watters, Brieanna; Horowitz, Veronica; Larson, Ryan P.; Sargent, Brian; Uggen, Christopher

Periodical (Full): RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences

Issue: 2

Volume: 8

Pages: 137-156
