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Title: Misery Loves Company, but Does Adversity? Individual and Partner Adverse Childhood Experiences, Health, and Life Satisfaction
Citation Type: Journal Article
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Abstract: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) include abuse, neglect, and general household dysfunction. Operating through complex pathways, ACEs exert a strong negative influence on adult health and health behaviors. Yet most of the research on the intragenerational consequences of ACEs examines associations and effects for those who directly experienced the adversity, obscuring how ACEs might be associated with the health and well-being of one's partner. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between respondent and partner ACEs and the associations between respondent's ACEs count and their self-rated health and life satisfaction as well as their partner's health and life satisfaction. Results reveal that people with ACEs tend to partner with others who have ACEs, and that ACEs are positvely associated with lower self-rated health and lower life satisfaction for both respondents and their partners. These findings begin to illuminate unknown consequential intragenerational associations of ACEs for health and well-being beyond those who experienced the adversity firsthand. 3
User Submitted?: No
Authors: Stacey, Lawrence; James, Drexler; Dush, Claire Kamp; Berrigan, Miranda; Manning, Wendy
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