Full Citation
Title: Are people aware of the link between alcohol and different types of Cancer?
Citation Type: Journal Article
Publication Year: 2021
ISSN: 1471-2458
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-10780-2
Abstract: Background: Alcohol consumption is causally linked to several different types of cancer, including breast, liver, and colorectal cancer. While prior studies have found low awareness of the overall alcohol-cancer link, few have examined how awareness differs for each type of cancer. Greater awareness of risks associated with alcohol use may be a key factor in reducing alcohol-related cancer incidence. Methods: We surveyed 1759 people of legal drinking age at the 2019 Minnesota State Fair. We used multivariable generalized linear models and linear regression models with robust standard errors to investigate factors associated with alcohol-cancer risk awareness. Models were fit examining predictors of overall awareness of alcohol as a risk factor for cancer, and prevalence of awareness of alcohol as a risk factor for specific types of cancer.
Url: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-10780-2
User Submitted?: No
Authors: Calvert, Collin M.; Toomey, Traci L; Jones-Webb, Rhonda J
Periodical (Full): BMC Public Health
Issue: 1
Volume: 21
Pages: 734