Total Results: 15
Frederiksen, Anders; Hansen, Daniel Baltzer Schjødt; Manchester, Colleen Flaherty
2024. Group-Based Incentives and Individual Performance: A Study of the Effort Response.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2024. Group-Based Incentives and Individual Performance: A Study of the Effort Response.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manchester, Colleen Flaherty; Leroy, Sophie; Dahm, Patricia C.; Glomb, Theresa M.
2023. Amplifying the gender gap in academia: “Caregiving” at work during the pandemic.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2023. Amplifying the gender gap in academia: “Caregiving” at work during the pandemic.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manchester, Colleen Flaherty; Benson, Alan; Shaver, J. Myles
2022. Dual careers and the willingness to consider employment in startup ventures.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2022. Dual careers and the willingness to consider employment in startup ventures.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manchester, Colleen
2019. Retirement plan type and worker mobility.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2019. Retirement plan type and worker mobility.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Shah Goda, Gopi; Levy, Matthew; Flaherty Manchester, Colleen; Sojourner, Aaron J; Tasoff, Joshua
2019. Who Is a Passive Saver under Opt-In and Auto-Enrollment?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2019. Who Is a Passive Saver under Opt-In and Auto-Enrollment?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manchester, Colleen; Leslie, Lisa M; Dahm, Patricia C
2018. Bringing Home the Bacon: The Relationships among Breadwinner Role, Performance, and Pay.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2018. Bringing Home the Bacon: The Relationships among Breadwinner Role, Performance, and Pay.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Shah Goda, Gopi; Levy, Matthew; Flaherty Manchester, Colleen; Sojourner, Aaron J; Tasoff, Joshua
2018. Predicting Retirement Savings Using Survey Measures of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2018. Predicting Retirement Savings Using Survey Measures of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Dahm, Patricia C; Glomb, Theresa M; Manchester, Colleen; Leroy, Sophie
2015. Workfamily conflict and self-discrepant time allocation at work..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. Workfamily conflict and self-discrepant time allocation at work..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Goda, Gopi Shah; Manchester, Colleen; Sojourner, Aaron J
2014. What will my account really be worth? Experimental evidence on how retirement income projections affect saving.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2014. What will my account really be worth? Experimental evidence on how retirement income projections affect saving.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Goda, Gopi Shah; Manchester, Colleen
2013. Incorporating employee heterogeneity into default rules for retirement plan selection.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. Incorporating employee heterogeneity into default rules for retirement plan selection.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manchester, Colleen; Barbezat, Debra
2013. The effect of time use in explaining malefemale productivity differences among economists.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. The effect of time use in explaining malefemale productivity differences among economists.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manchester, Colleen; Leslie, Lisa M; Kramer, Amit
2013. Is the clock still ticking? An evaluation of the consequences of stopping the tenure clock.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. Is the clock still ticking? An evaluation of the consequences of stopping the tenure clock.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Leslie, Lisa M; Manchester, Colleen; Park, Tae-Youn; Mehng, SI Ahn
2012. Flexible work practices: A source of career premiums or penalties?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2012. Flexible work practices: A source of career premiums or penalties?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Manchester, Colleen
2012. General human capital and employee mobility: How tuition reimbursement increases retention through sorting and participation.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2012. General human capital and employee mobility: How tuition reimbursement increases retention through sorting and participation.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Leslie, Lisa M; Manchester, Colleen
2011. Workfamily conflict is a social issue not a women's issue.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. Workfamily conflict is a social issue not a women's issue.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 15