MPC Member Publications

This database contains a listing of population studies publications written by MPC Members. Anyone can add a publication by an MPC student, faculty, or staff member to this database; new citations will be reviewed and approved by MPC administrators.

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Author: kozhimannil
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Total Results: 127
Hung, Peiyin; Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Casey, Michelle M; Moscovice, Ira S
2016. Why are obstetric units in rural hospitals closing their doors?.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Hung, Peiyin; Casey, Michelle M; Henning-Smith, Carrie; Prasad, Shailendra; Moscovice, Ira S
2016. Relationship between Hospital Policies for Labor Induction and Cesarean Delivery and Perinatal Care Quality among Rural U.S. Hospitals..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Hardeman, Rachel; Medina, Eduardo M.; Kozhimannil, Katy B.
2016. Structural Racism and Supporting Black Lives — The Role of Health Professionals.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Graves, Amy J; Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Kleinman, Ken P; Wharam, J Frank
2016. The Association between HighDeductible Health Plan Transition and Contraception and Birth Rates.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Thao, Viengneesee; Hung, Peiyin; Tilden, Ellen; Caughey, Aaron B; Snowden, Jonathan M
2016. Association between Hospital Birth Volume and Maternal Morbidity among Low-Risk Pregnancies in Rural, Urban, and Teaching Hospitals in the United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Yang, Y Tony; Kozhimannil, Katy B.
2016. Medication Abortion Through Telemedicine.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Attanasio, Laura B; Kozhimannil, Katy B.
2015. Patient-reported communication quality and perceived discrimination in maternity care.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Attanasio, Laura B; Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Jou, Judy; McPherson, Marianne E; Camann, W
2015. Women's Experiences with Neuraxial Labor Analgesia in the Listening to Mothers II Survey: A Content Analysis of Open-Ended Responses.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Jou, Judy; Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Johnson, Pamela Jo; Sakala, Carol
2015. PatientPerceived Pressure from Clinicians for Labor Induction and Cesarean Delivery: A PopulationBased Survey of US Women.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Wharam, J Frank; Graves, Amy J; Kozhimannil, Katy B.
2015. Navigating the rise of high-deductible health insurance: Childbirth in the bronze age.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Yang, Y Tony; Kozhimannil, Katy B.
2015. Making a case to reduce legal impediments to midwifery practice in the United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Attanasio, Laura B; Yang, Y Tony; Avery, Melissa D; Declercq, Eugene
2015. Midwifery Care and PatientProvider Communication in Maternity Decisions in the United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Casey, Michelle M; Hung, Peiyin; Han, Xinxin; Prasad, Shailendra; Moscovice, Ira S
2015. The rural obstetric workforce in US hospitals: Challenges and opportunities.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Enns, Eva A; Blauer-Peterson, Cori; Farris, Jill; Kahn, Judith; Kulasingam, Shalini L
2015. Behavioral and Community Correlates of Adolescent Pregnancy and Chlamydia Rates in Rural Counties in Minnesota.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Skeldon, Sean C; Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Majumdar, Sumit R; Law, Michael R
2015. The effect of competing direct-to-consumer advertising campaigns on the use of drugs for benign prostatic hyperplasia: time series analysis.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Thao, Viengneesee; Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Thomas, Will; Golberstein, Ezra
2014. Variation in inpatient costs of hematopoietic cell transplantation among transplant centers in the United States.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Attanasio, Laura B; McPherson, Marianne E; Kozhimannil, Katy B.
2014. Positive childbirth experiences in US hospitals: a mixed methods analysis.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Gjerdingen, Dwenda K; McGovern, Patricia M; Attanasio, Laura B; Johnson, Pamela Jo; Kozhimannil, Katy B.
2014. Maternal depressive symptoms, employment, and social support.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Arcaya, Mariana C; Subramanian, Subbaya
2014. Maternal clinical diagnoses and hospital variation in the risk of cesarean delivery: analyses of a National US Hospital Discharge Database.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Kozhimannil, Katy B.; Attanasio, Laura B; Johnson, Pamela Jo; Gjerdingen, Dwenda K; McGovern, Patricia M
2014. Employment during pregnancy and obstetric intervention without medical reason: labor induction and cesarean delivery.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 127