Total Results: 54
Savelsberg, Joachim J; Flood, Sarah M
2011. Social and Intellectual Context of Criminology.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. Social and Intellectual Context of Criminology.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Sobek, Matthew; King, Miriam L; Ruggles, Steven J; Flood, Sarah M; Cleveland, Lara L; Schroeder, Matthew B
2011. Big Data: Large-Scale Historical Infrastructure from the Minnesota Population Center.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. Big Data: Large-Scale Historical Infrastructure from the Minnesota Population Center.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Louis, Vincent; Flood, Sarah M; Moen, Phyllis
2011. The Age of the Life Course? Gendered Time Working and Volunteering, Ages 50 to 75.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. The Age of the Life Course? Gendered Time Working and Volunteering, Ages 50 to 75.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Flood, Sarah M; Genadek, Katherine R; Hill, Rachelle
2010. Health and Patterns of Daily Life: A Multinomial Logit Latent Class Analysis.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2010. Health and Patterns of Daily Life: A Multinomial Logit Latent Class Analysis.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Flood, Sarah M; Louis, Vincent
2009. Ties that Bind: Children, Marital Status, and Time with Non-Residential Persons.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2009. Ties that Bind: Children, Marital Status, and Time with Non-Residential Persons.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Genadek, Katherine R; Flood, Sarah M
2009. When the Kids Grow Up: Time with Spouses over the Life Course.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2009. When the Kids Grow Up: Time with Spouses over the Life Course.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Moen, Phyllis; Louis, Vincent; Flood, Sarah M
2009. The Third Way? Older Workers' and Younger Retirees' Time in Paid Work and Civic Engagement.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2009. The Third Way? Older Workers' and Younger Retirees' Time in Paid Work and Civic Engagement.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Abraham, Katherine G; Flood, Sarah M
2009. American Time Use Survey Data Extract Builder (ATUS-X).
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2009. American Time Use Survey Data Extract Builder (ATUS-X).
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Flood, Sarah M; Louis, Vincent
2008. Are We Bowling Alone? Findings from the American Time Use Survey.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2008. Are We Bowling Alone? Findings from the American Time Use Survey.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Flood, Sarah M; Thorn, Betsy; Abraham, Katherine G
2007. ATUS Data Access System: Website Demonstration.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2007. ATUS Data Access System: Website Demonstration.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Pendaz, Sadie; Flood, Sarah M
2007. Using IPUMS Data to Contextualize Sociological Research.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2007. Using IPUMS Data to Contextualize Sociological Research.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Partin, Melissa R.; Nelson, David; Flood, Ann Barry; Friedemann-Sanchez, Greta; Wilt, Timothy J.
2006. Who uses decision aids? Subgroup analyses from a randomized controlled effectiveness trial of two prostate cancer screening decision support interventions..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2006. Who uses decision aids? Subgroup analyses from a randomized controlled effectiveness trial of two prostate cancer screening decision support interventions..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Macmillan, Ross; Flood, Sarah M; Moen, Phyllis
2006. The Feminization of the American Occupations, 1950-2000: A Growth Mixture Analysis.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2006. The Feminization of the American Occupations, 1950-2000: A Growth Mixture Analysis.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
American Society of Criminology., Joachim J.; Flood, Sarah M
2004. Criminology..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2004. Criminology..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 54