Total Results: 28
Servadio, Joseph L.; Deere, Jessica R.; Jankowski, Mark D.; Ferrey, Mark; Isaac, E. J.; Chenaux-Ibrahim, Yvette; Primus, Alexander; Convertino, Matteo; Phelps, Nicholas B.D.; Streets, Summer; Travis, Dominic A.; Moore, Seth; Wolf, Tiffany M.
2016. Supporting data for “Anthropogenic factors associated with contaminants of emerging concern detected in inland Minnesota lakes (Phase II)”.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2016. Supporting data for “Anthropogenic factors associated with contaminants of emerging concern detected in inland Minnesota lakes (Phase II)”.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Goodman, Philip; Page, Joshua; Phelps, Michelle S
2015. The long struggle: An agonistic perspective on penal development.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2015. The long struggle: An agonistic perspective on penal development.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelps, Michelle S
2013. The paradox of probation: Community supervision in the age of mass incarceration.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2013. The paradox of probation: Community supervision in the age of mass incarceration.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelps, Michelle S
2012. The place of punishment: Variation in the provision of inmate services staff across the punitive turn.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2012. The place of punishment: Variation in the provision of inmate services staff across the punitive turn.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Karaca-Mandic, Pinar; Abraham, Jean Marie; Phelps, Charles E
2011. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Karaca-Mandic, Pinar; Abraham, Jean Marie; Phelps, Charles E
2011. How do health insurance loading fees vary by group size?: implications for Healthcare reform..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. How do health insurance loading fees vary by group size?: implications for Healthcare reform..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Karaca-Mandic, Pinar; Abraham, Jean Marie; Phelps, Charles E
2011. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelps, Michelle S
2011. Rehabilitation in the punitive era: The gap between rhetoric and reality in US prison programs.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
2011. Rehabilitation in the punitive era: The gap between rhetoric and reality in US prison programs.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 28