MPC Member Publications

This database contains a listing of population studies publications written by MPC Members. Anyone can add a publication by an MPC student, faculty, or staff member to this database; new citations will be reviewed and approved by MPC administrators.

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Author: Phelps
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Total Results: 26
Phelps, Michelle S
2013. The paradox of probation: Community supervision in the age of mass incarceration.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelps, Michelle S
2012. The place of punishment: Variation in the provision of inmate services staff across the punitive turn.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Karaca-Mandic, Pinar; Abraham, Jean Marie; Phelps, Charles E
2011. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Karaca-Mandic, Pinar; Abraham, Jean Marie; Phelps, Charles E
2011. How do health insurance loading fees vary by group size?: implications for Healthcare reform..
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Karaca-Mandic, Pinar; Abraham, Jean Marie; Phelps, Charles E
2011. No Title.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Phelps, Michelle S
2011. Rehabilitation in the punitive era: The gap between rhetoric and reality in US prison programs.
Abstract | Full Citation | Google
Total Results: 26